Designing workplaces

Natural materials and living plants do more than transform workplace environments – they make them come alive. Nature has a positive impact on the workplace, making sustainable design, natural materials, and shapes an excellent choice for offices, break rooms, and lobbies. Our placemaking approach transforms offices into unique environments that showcase the organization’s brand values. Inspirations from nature create better places to work and make reception areas more welcoming. As they uplift the workforce, they make the organization’s commitments to ethics and sustainability apparent to all.


Green workplace projects

nova school education seating colour

Placemaking design makes a home away from home

The workplace is often where we spend most of our awaken time. Why not make it a home away from home? Create an environment where the team feels they belong, something their part of. When a team feels connected to their workplace, the workplace will thrive, creating a healthier and more supportive culture.

Biophilic design

Biophilic design, for the wellbeing of the team

Biophilic design in a workplace helps you create a place where the team can lower their stress level and feel good, even with pressure and deadlines. Bring nature inside, using planters, natural shapes and materials, and acoustic lighting to create an environment that adds to the well-being and nurtures the team, connections, and creativity.

workplace furniture standing table

A flexible workplace encourage connections

The future workplace is no longer limited to the office. Nowadays, people work from home, in the car, on the way to the next meeting, or from a sunbed in Mexico. The team will have different needs and behave differently depending on their tasks. Offices and public spaces will need to be redesigned to follow that need. Our placemaking concept creates the free address workplaces that invite ad-hoc meetings in today's open space offices. And the whole system is made modular to fit the ever-changing needs of the office and public space.

Planning tool and layout planner

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Our in-house designers will help you with a free 3D floor-plan visualization.


Leaf Lamp Office space

Jonas Ekholst, Head of Design Green Furniture Concept

“We did extensive research on how the future of work and travels would look and our belief is that the future is versatile. The place to work is no longer limited to the office. Users will have different needs and behave differently depending on their tasks. Offices and public spaces will need to be redesigned to follow that need. With the Seamless Table, users will find a place to grab a coffee with a colleague, work for a while waiting for the next departure, charge their electronic devices, or just contemplate under the soothing acoustic leaves of the Leaf Lamp Tree. And the whole system is made modular to fit the ever-changing needs of the office and public space.”

Design Tips

Biophilic design in the workplace for the modern office

Biophilic design uses nature as a co-architect to design our places. It brings that connection into the place and encourages us to understand the importance of natural shapes, materials, colours, for our health and wellbeing.

What if co-workers could meet under a tree? That’s exactly the kind of environment that we are introducing to the workplace.

Make places matter by creating a feeling of a home away from home. A place that people will engage with, respect and return to.

Get in touch with us!

Don’t know where to start with your workplace project? Schedule a meeting with us, and we’ll help you get started. Our team has years of experience in placemaking design, creating a welcoming and relaxing working environment.