Sustainabili(time) to change
Now, we have an opportunity to change our relationship with nature and how we use its resources, which have contributed to climate change and the spread of new diseases. The changes to be implemented must involve the public authorities, the private sector, citizens, and universities. I must also mention the importance of Architects and Designers as actors in the conception of spaces, both public and private. Houses, workplaces, and cities will need a lot of adaptations.

It is time to act
Now, we have an opportunity to change our relationship with nature and how we use its resources, which have contributed to climate change and the spread of new diseases. The changes to be implemented must involve the public authorities, the private sector, citizens, and universities. I must also mention the importance of Architects and Designers as actors in the conception of spaces, both public and private. Houses, workplaces, and cities will need a lot of adaptations.
Sustainability also means sharing. A lot of the things we own, we barely use. Sharing the car, bicycle, workspace, clothes, books, and even knowledge would be essential improvements to zero redundancy, which would bring enormous benefits to the impact on climate change. While sharing is essential, giving is even more important, not only things we do not need, but also our knowledge, time, and dedication to others. How about implementing sustainability subject to our education at an early stage already?
Change begins in each of us
Sustainable behavior should start in each of us, the companies and organizations we are connected to. Changes are made by changing, and we are the main actors. Green Furniture Concept soon took the lead in the design and furniture industry, implementing actions and standards that make the company a “green company” since its foundation.
Placemaking design for public interiors is in the DNA. Understanding the public space that people use, analyzing the different components, and focusing on the health and well-being of all those who spend time in these places is the primary goal.
Based on the design, modularity, flexibility, and a strong component of natural materials, Green Furniture Concept creates places that make people happy and allow our customers to adapt the furniture to different spaces and configurations. Readapt it in other spaces and easily reconfigure. Placemaking.

As a citizen, Architect, and country manager for Portugal at Green, I feel involved in this change. We can't change overnight. Many actions require time, financial resources, and/or depend on other people or institutions, but if there is something simple that we can start today, it is the culture of "sharing and giving.
João Fontes, Country Manager Portugal, Green Furniture Concept